I’m Vida
I'm here to help you achieve your goals.
I'm a unique combination of coach, hypnotherapist, designer, and speaker. I'm dedicated to helping you design and create a better future. My mission is to help you GET.UP.AND.GO from where you're now to where you want to be.
Hey There!
Stop right there!
I’m so glad you’re here. But before you dive into my world of unique style, mission, and adventures, let me give you a fair warning – authenticity and truth are my core values. I don’t shy away from being the real deal, nor should you.
I have been listening to the same story over and over. Too many people are scared to put themselves out there. They feel ashamed to show themselves starting small. They’re intelligent, talented, and bursting with potential, but they worry about others’ opinions, and the fear of judgment holds them back. Well, not me. And not on this page. You won’t see any bragging about me being in Forbes, Glamour, or any of those fancy magazines – I haven’t made it there yet! Instead, you’ll get an honest look at my journey as I take baby steps toward my dreams – I’m basically a toddler, but shh!
So let’s be clear on why I’m here.
I’m here to tell you that no matter how small you start, you can thrive, and your story matters. Starting a business, building a killer brand, and living a life full of joy, freedom, and fulfillment are well within your reach. All you need is that extra nudge in the correct direction, and that’s where I come in.
Oh, and by the way, I asked AI to give you a short version of my story, but it turns out I’m wiser and more authentic than any robot out there. Also, Ai is artificial, and I’m 100% organic! So let’s stick with my weird originality – you won’t regret it.
Are you ready to join me on an adventure filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and all the lessons that come with it?
I’m not just your ordinary entrepreneur – I’m also a High-Performance Coach, a Rapid Transformational Therapist, and even a jewelry designer for good measure. So it’s this girl behind Vidart & Life Jewelry. Did I mention I’m a no-average mom either, raising two fantastic boys? Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the three years ongoing divorce situation. It’s a whole thing (think: dramatic soap opera music).
But life is all about taking on challenges, right?
But hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I view life as a grand adventure, full of possibilities to explore and new horizons to conquer. When I’m not pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in my client’s lives, I’m dreaming up unique ideas and exploring the world of business and entrepreneurship.
Sure, some folks might think I’m nuts for juggling all this at once. But the truth is, I’m the ultimate champion of positivity. With the life lessons and training, I have learned to develop a mindset to take on any challenge, no matter how daunting – and I’m here to show you that you, too, have what it takes to conquer any obstacle.
My life has been a wild ride from the start. But I'll admit, there was a time when I wasn't living up to my full potential. What happened to turn it all around?
Atrip down memory lane
Let’s go to my wild and untamed childhood. I was born in south Brazil, but when I turned 6, life took me to the depths of the Amazon jungle, where electricity and phones were like mythical creatures – only legends, no sightings. Our home was built from palm leaves, and each night my mom would cover us up like burritos to protect us from porcupines raining needles on our walls. Ouch!!.
That’s right, porcupines!
Life wasn’t exactly a cakewalk for my mom, but it was adventure galore for me! By the time I was seven, my mom had coached me on rifle shooting so that I could aid in protecting not just myself but also my siblings while she and my father worked on the farm – oh not a farm yet, woods’. Then there were those middle school days that meant traversing a perilous path daily. Cycling five miles before hailing the oldest of buses, which took an additional twenty miles until school—the adventure was the name of the game!
Did we ever feel down when some hill was too steep for our bus driver on those rainy days? No! Instead, we took the long walk back home amid pitch-black darkness, ensuring there were no lurking dangers — like stepping on poisonous snakes. Walking home in the dark for the whole night was actually pretty fun, in a twisted way.
Despite the challenging moments for my Mom, I experienced moments of absolute magic. I enjoyed playing hide-and-seek in the forest, climbing trees whose branches touched the sky and the ground. I picked fresh fruits from nature’s bounty, rode wild horses, went crocodile hunting, and had fun on the rivers. Those early days in the heart of Brazil’s countryside shaped who I’m today – forever grateful for my childhood adventures.
Love . Joy . Live Life Freely
Do you wake up each morning feeling truly alive and filled with love, joy, and unrestrained freedom?
This question may seem simple, yet the power it holds to transform our lives is immeasurable. Take a moment to reflect on your daily choices, and ask yourself every day;
- Am I prioritizing my own happiness and acting with love toward those around me?
- Am I embracing my authenticity and living in my truth without limitations?
- Am I living in a state of joy that spreads to others?
These fundamental principles should guide your actions. When you align your choices with them, you will unlock a life filled with deep satisfaction and contentment.
Start living your best self-life today!
Back then, I was a little spitfire, fueled by courage, determination, discipline, positivity, and a heart full of service. I could conquer the world – Nothing could hold me back! Fear and difficulty were just myths to me, and challenging tasks were a piece of cake. Naturally, I’m not bragging – okay, maybe just a little – but my childhood sculpted me into a unique, humble, strong-willed human being. Honestly, I’m grateful and lucky to possess those traits.
But, there was a time when I hit a rut. My life was excellent, especially from the outsider’s point of view – I had two beautiful kids, financial security, and perfect health. You know when everything seems great, but you feel something is missing? I woke up daily feeling lost, empty, and stuck, like I was out of place in my comfort zone. Weird, right?
Something felt off, and I needed to get to the bottom of it. I was lost and needed help figuring out where to turn for help. But then I had an epiphany: invest in myself! So I started pursuing my favorite hobby (me, duh) and focusing on personal growth. Suddenly everything started to get into place. I uncovered my talents, passions, dreams, and mission, and my potential became clear and alive. I finally found the answers I was looking for, and let me tell you, it felt AH-mazing.
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Journal Timeline
I may not be an”overnight success” story yet. But trust me, one-day people will ask, “Who’s that megastar who came outta nowhere?”
Here’s the scoop: I’ve been grinding away for four years, and I’m still pushing toward the finish line. Strap in and come along for the ride as we blaze a trail to that sweet, sweet “overnight success” title.
- Lorenzo said Hi to this world for the first time (Aug 11)
- Felt uncomfortable in my comfort zone
- Self-awareness kicked in
- Started to come out from under the rock
- Unboxed jewelry gems – after ten years in storage
- Back to the business
- Built the Vidartjewelry website – an online store
- Invested in 2 books – copyright + marketing.
- Discovered Marie tv and YouTube
- Moving forward and growing at a speed of a turtle
- Found out about a blog for the first time
- Started the blog
- The website crashed
- Started a new website on WordPress
- The first time I thought and asked for the divorce
- Read 4 business books.
- Learned about audible
- Listened to 13 books
- Discovered Personal Growth by reading a book.
- Started journaling
- Took my first online course – The copy cure
- On fire. I wanted to move forward faster
- Hired the first virtual assistant and then five more
- Joined B-school
- Getting addicted to books
- Read 15 books – listened to 58.
- Growing social media secretly
- Pandemic stage
- Focused on personal growth – mental health – Self-awareness is skying rock
- Business Growth 0.01% – back to the turtle speed
- Read 13 books (business, leadership, marketing, biographies).
- Listened to 46 books (most on emotional intelligence- personal development).
- Entirely out of Under the Rock
- Embarked on an exhilarating trip to Brazil – living life freely sparked a newfound perspective on my life.
- I invested fearlessly in myself – learning more and implementing it.
- Joined RTT school (15 months of hypnotherapy training)
- Learned about the power of networking – meeting the right people.
- Invested symbolic $ in a business/coaching program that didn’t serve me at the time
- Read 10 books (business, marketing, biographies)
- Listened to 42 books (psychology, NLP, neuroscience, spirituality)
- Filed for divorce
- My mom said bye to this world.
- Soap opera – never more dramatic
- Let the divorce lawyer go – I represented myself
- Got certified in RTT – Rapid Transformational Therapy
- Got certified in HPC – High-Performance Coach
- Joined my first mastermind
- Joined my first in-person coaching summit
- Neglected the jewelry business – spent too much time on the divorce process
- Drove for Lyft to pay for a car and investments added to credit cards.
- Read the classic Thomas Troward book collection.
- Listened to 36 books
- Read and learned NJ divorce laws – not enjoyable.
- In November – a tough decision – put the divorce on hold to focus on business growth in 2023.
During the beginning of this Journey, I've uncovered some hilarious truths about myself that I must share because it will leave you in stitches.
It turns out the reason for my discomfort was because I was living under a rock – literally! Who knew rocks could mess with your vibes like that? And let me tell you, life under a rock is no party. You end up outdated and irrelevant faster than you can say, “I need a change.”
Speaking of change, I was flipping through my cable channels like a madwoman trying to find Marie TV – it turns out it’s a YouTube channel! Yup, I was living in the dark ages until Marie Forleo showed me the light. Thanks to her, I discovered what a blog was – can you believe I had no idea?
I even started my own blog – for ghosts. It’s a niche audience, but at least someone was reading it. I was clueless about all things Internet. However, I built my online store, and then when it crashed, including my blog. I started everything anew on WordPress and did it all by myself.
Personal growth is not just a thing. It’s THE thing. I never thought I could be the best of the best. There’s a whole world out there dedicated to making you the best you can be. Who knew?
And then, my planner entered my life. The higher performance planner, to be exact. That’s when my circle of best friends expanded to include Brendon Burchard. Shh, don’t tell him. He doesn’t know it yet.
But the biggest surprise of all? I started enjoying reading and meditation! I used to think they were “boring” and “woo-woo” too dull for my active self. But now I’m one of the people who love to meditate.
I did lots and even took my first online course – The Copy Cure. I was unstoppable! Until I got caught trying to grow my social media in secret. Whoops!
So yes, I may have been a bit of a naive rock-dweller at first, but thanks to my hilarious discoveries, my life has changed in the best possible way. And who knows, maybe you’re not living under a rock like me, but if you’re feeling stuck or outdated, take it from me – there’s a whole world of discovery out there waiting for you! And trust me. I know the way out. Want me to hold your hand?
Self-awareness and gratitude have the power to transform your perspective on everything.

join the success
Freedom, true happiness, and satisfaction come from recognizing what makes you unique and bringing it to the forefront of your life.
You possess talents, potential, and a purpose waiting to be discovered or uncovered. To live a fulfilling life in today’s world, you need to bring self-awareness to the table. It is crucial to invest time in getting to know yourself, your unique qualities, gifts, talents, personality, sense of humor, what brings you joy, and what makes your heart leap with excitement.

Whether or not you run your own business, having a creative and entrepreneurial mindset is vital to fully flourish in the modern world and experience the happiness and fulfillment you deserve. Regardless of your aspirations or challenges, you have the power to transform your life and make a positive impact on the world.
My unwavering investment in self-awareness, hard work, and discernible grace has led to some remarkable achievements, including my mission and passion for serving others by helping them discover their potential and achieve their highest performance.
Remember—you're allowed to be imperfect and mess up things! Just keep moving forward and chasing your dreams until they become a reality.
Love . Joy. Live Life Freely
Living life fully, with joy and freedom, requires the heart of an adventurer. To experience the beauty of life, we must be willing to take risks, make bold moves, and embrace new challenges. This takes determination and a positive mindset. It also requires courage and trust in ourselves and the living process. When we live with intention and purpose, we live with joy and the ability to love fully. Take hold of the adventurer within you and experience life to its fullest. Anything is possible with a fearless attitude and a heart open to new experiences.
Taking charge of your self-discovery can be a pivotal moment that completely transforms your life.
How did I get in all this?
Feeling stuck and stagnant? Been there, done that. It’s like being trapped in a never-ending loop of sameness. But let me tell you, there’s a way out. I found the secret to reclaiming your identity and feeling alive again.
Grab a shovel because we’re about to dig deep. Unearth those hidden talents and take ownership of your gifts. It’s time to break free from your comfort zone and chase new opportunities. Make fearless decisions and set goals that align with your dreams.
You see, I’m a proud graduate of the school of life. I thrive on life lessons and learning from experiences. And it all started with a tiny spark inside me, a flame that wanted to ignite my entire world.
Sure, the journey is lonely at first. You may feel like you’re in a deserted ghost town (people running away from you like you’ve got rabies). But I’ve learned the power of asking for help and seeking the right support. With the guidance of mentors and incredible coaches, my life’s purpose became crystal clear.
I have a burning passion for people. I genuinely care about their lives, and I’ve always been super pumped about helping them unleash their true potential. And let me tell you, the more I do it, the more alive I feel. That’s why I jumped headfirst into this adventure – everyone deserves support, especially when stepping into the unknown, facing challenges, trying something new, or leveling up our awesomeness. We all need someone to hold our hand (and hold it tight, mind you) as we journey together.
I believe in your potential to reach your highest performance, and it’s my mission to guide you there. If you’re feeling stuck, lost, letting your doubts boss you around, or too scared to ask for help, don’t worry, I’ve got your back. I’ll help you discover your talents (or uncover them if they’re hidden away), boost your confidence, ignite your courage, supercharge your strengths, make your mindset unbeatable, nourish your faith, and foster self-respect and self-love. Get ready to live authentically, fulfill your purpose, and crush those goals!
"I Love Nature, and I’m Inspired by it"
How did I start my first business?

In 2000, I quit a full-time job at a jewelry distributor. Two weeks later, I started to design and make my own jewelry. As well, I started my first business. Starting with just friends and family as clients, I quickly sprouted wings. I began working with fashion stores and boutiques throughout my town and neighboring towns. I even got love from other states and countries, including the US.
But the real adventure began one year later when I was invited by SEBRAE to work with small communities in the deep woods of Brazil that rely on forest extracts for their livelihoods.
My mission?
Alongside renowned designers, we collaborated to improve their natural crafts and increase their revenue.
And you know what?
Things got even more spicy when I got to represent these communities throughout Brazil and at international biz events. Representing these communities was a fascinating and life-changing experience. It’s an adventure I’ll never forget.
My time working with these communities allowed me to appreciate the natural beauty of the forest truly. The intricate details of the seeds, wood grains, awe-inspiring textures, and colors inspired me tremendously.
And the rest? History!
Since then, I’ve been dabbling, tinkering, and full-on diving into a Unique natural jewelry design and creation. Even though I have taken a break from business, this passion still burns brightly within me.
Embrace the Freedom of Life: Seize the Moment!
We are blessed with only one chance to live truly. Let’s not waste a precious second on anything that doesn’t bring us pure joy and limitless love. Embrace every opportunity that comes your way, pursue your dreams relentlessly, and transform each day into an extraordinary adventure!
Wow! We’re reaching “THE END,” and I couldn’t be more excited. If you’re still here, you’re a passionate novel reader, and I want to say a huge THANK YOU for sticking with me. My irresistible energy has kept you glued here longer than you could have imagined, or maybe I hypnotized you at the start – I do have that power, you know.
But here’s the kicker: This is just the beginning of our incredible journey together!
I’m here to serve you, whether you’re looking to make a major breakthrough in your entrepreneurial life or a significant shift and investment in your personal life. My mission is simple: I want to help you unleash your creative genius and tap into the profound wisdom hiding within you.
Now, let’s get real for a sec. Making mistakes is all part of the game, and trust me. I’m no exception. Some days, I feel as exotic as a tropical paradise, while before crucial decisions, I get butterflies in my stomach, just like you and every other human on this planet. But I’m constantly learning and growing. I’m always discovering new insights and wisdom on living life fully, with joy and freedom.
Oh, and here’s the juiciest part. I’m committed to bringing you the best experiences ever! And guess what? I’ll keep it accurate and honest every step of the way. Don’t expect perfection here – I’m a tad broken in that department. But you can expect some mind-blowing unique ideas, insightful perspectives, and a touch of playful charming-intellectual weirdness – shh, let’s keep that between us because that’ll make your brain go, “Whoa, this is awesome!”
And above all, a whole lot of dedication to helping you design and create an extraordinary and meaningful life.
With lots of love,