Vida DeOlivier

In a world where countless souls feel lost and adrift, grappling with the heavy weight of depression, a beacon of hope calls out to you. Are you ready to break free from the chains of emptiness and discover your unique path? Are you ready to shine your light brightly in a world yearning for your brilliance?

Hey there, beautiful soul! 

It’s Vida here for another heart-to-heart about something that’s been weighing heavily on my mind lately—the epidemic of lost souls wandering aimlessly, burdened by the weight of depression. Let’s talk about  the struggle so many face in finding purpose amidst the chaos of life. It’s time to break free and discover the light within you.

Break Free from Depression: Find Purpose in a World of Lost Souls

The Lost Souls: Tired, Weary, and Desperate for Change

I’ve been having deep conversations with so many of you who are battling depression. You’re tired of feeling this way, and you’re desperately seeking a way out. But here’s the thing: most of you are missing one crucial ingredient in your recipe for happiness – a life purpose.

I’ve noticed a striking pattern among those who feel lost and depressed. They’re living without a clear sense of why they’re here, what they’re meant to do, or where they’re headed. They’re adrift in a sea of uncertainty, and it’s draining their spirits.

It’s like trying to get out of bed in the morning when you have nowhere to go, no one to see, and nothing to look forward to. You hit snooze a million times, dreading the emptiness that awaits you. Trust me, I know the feeling.

My Own Awakening: A Whispering Voice in the Quiet

Now, I’ve been blessed to never experience the depths of depression, thank God that’s not in my life script. But a while back, before diving back into the business world, I found myself in a peculiar state. I woke up one morning feeling…off. I was happy, surrounded by loved ones, my son’s infectious smile warming my heart. But something was amiss. A persistent whisper echoed in my ears, “You’re designed for more. It’s okay to want more and follow your mission. Dream again, go do the things that make you feel truly fulfilled.”

That whisper ignited a fire within me. I started journaling, retracing my steps to pinpoint the last time I felt truly alive – happy, complete, adventurous, courageous, magnificent, and deeply connected to my purpose. And guess where that journey led me? Back to my entrepreneurial days.

Vivid memories flooded my mind. I saw myself creating alongside my sister and my girls, the faces of the incredible people I worked with, their smiles, their energy. It hit me like a lightning bolt – this was where I belonged. This was where my heart soared. At that moment, I knew where I needed to go.



"The most powerful shift happens when you stop chasing who you think you should be and start embracing who you truly are. You are who you focus to become. That’s when life moves from ordinary to extraordinary, and every day becomes an exciting new chapter in your personal success story!"
Vida deOlivier

Finding Your Way to a Purpose Life : The Magic of Self-Awareness

Okay, let’s dive into this together.

Imagine self-awareness as a treasure map to your best self. It’s about taking a journey within, exploring who you are, what makes your heart sing, and what dreams light up your soul. It’s about creating a picture in your mind – a vision – of the amazing person you’re meant to be.

Sometimes, life’s storms can blow us off course. We might forget that awesome vision and feel a bit lost, like a ship without a compass. But don’t worry! Your compass is right there inside you, waiting to be discovered.

Think of it like this: you can’t find your purpose, your special mission in life, if you don’t know who you want to become. It’s like trying to find a hidden treasure without knowing what the treasure looks like!


So, let's go on a treasure hunt together!

Imagine I have a magic wand. Poof! I can grant you any wish. What would you ask for? Close your eyes and dream big! Your answer tells us a lot about what your heart truly desires.

Next, think about the things you believe in – those deep-down ideas that guide your choices. Maybe you believe in kindness, or hard work, or maybe you believe that everyone deserves a second chance. These beliefs are like the sails on your ship, guiding you towards your dreams.

Now, let’s talk about those times when life got tough. Maybe you faced a big challenge or a scary obstacle. But guess what? You made it through! You’re stronger than you think. What did you learn from those experiences? Those lessons are like the stars in the night sky, helping you navigate even when it’s dark.

Here’s a fun one! Pretend there are no limits, no rules, no worries. What would your perfect life look like? Would you travel the world? Start a business? Help others? This helps us see the amazing possibilities that lie ahead.

Finally, let’s talk about those sneaky fears and worries that sometimes hold us back. We all have them, like little shadows that follow us around. But by facing them bravely, we can shrink those shadows and step into our light. What are some of your fears and insecurities? How do they affect your choices and actions? Acknowledging these fears is the first step toward overcoming them.


Self-Discovery Journey: Uncover Your True Potential with a Helping Hand

If any of these questions feel a bit overwhelming or you’re having trouble finding the answers, don’t worry! It’s perfectly okay to ask for help. There are amazing people out there – therapists, coaches, mentors – who are ready and waiting to support you on this journey. Think of it like navigating a labyrinth; sometimes, you need a guide to help you find your way.

Remember, this is about uncovering the very best in you. There’s no shame in asking for a helping hand along the way. I believe in you, and I can’t wait to see the incredible things you’ll achieve!

Embracing the Journey: Obstacles and Triumphs

Following your mission is exhilarating, but it doesn’t mean the road will be smooth. Obstacles will inevitably arise, testing your resolve and resilience. But each roadblock you overcome makes you stronger, more determined, and more aligned with your purpose. They don’t define you because you know where you’re going.

You are a unique and valuable individual with a special purpose in this world. It’s time to unleash your inner fire and shine brightly! 

With love,



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