This quiz result is here to acknowledge YOU in your fullness and encourage you to embrace the process of your becoming.

Achieving high performance is a marathon, not a sprint. Each step forward is a block added to the structure of your success, making every day a chance to rise higher.

You're clearly on the right track towards high performance... You're an Aspiring Peak Performer.

You’re an “Aspiring Peak Performer”? Alright, world, watch out!

Your results show you’re not just walking the path to high performance, you’re building your own superhighway.

 You’ve set both short-term and long-term goals, a fantastic foundation that any high achiever would envy. But hey, why not turn up the heat a little? Challenge yourself to step even further out of your comfort zone—it’s where the magic happens, after all. Your approach to challenges and your steady state of contentment tell us that you’re ready and equipped for this journey, but injecting a pinch more optimism could very well be the spice your daily routine needs.

Let’s talk about your daily groove and how you handle feedback. You’ve got a routine that many would kill for, consistent yet flexible. But what if you tweaked it just a bit? Maybe throw in a surprise element now and then to keep things interesting—like a mystery activity or a new skill to learn each week. You accept feedback with grace, which is golden, but applying it like a pro could really set you apart. Think of feedback as your secret ingredient; it might sting a bit when added, but it sure enhances the flavor!

Your self-care game is strong, but consistency is the key to turning those good vibes into great days. And while you’re pursuing your passions—which is absolutely commendable—why not dive deeper? Maybe there’s a hidden passion in an unexplored area just waiting to be discovered. Your methodical approach to learning from mistakes and regular self-reflection are commendable. Consider setting clear metrics for evaluating your progress, because even the best of us can’t grow in the dark. Keep nurturing your passion, keep learning from every stumble, and keep refining your routines.

Remember, being a high performer isn’t about being perfect, it’s about enjoying the climb. Stay curious, laugh as you level up, and get ready to rock this thing called life!

Here’s some practical steps to your epic journey to excellence!


Hey there, future high-achiever! You’re already well on your way to exceptional performance. Let’s elevate your journey with these strategic steps:

  •  “Invest in your best self.”: Investing in personal development is an investment in becoming the best version of yourself. Champions don’t just show up to the game – they train relentlessly. Similarly, high performers understand that growth doesn’t happen by accident; it’s a result of continuous learning and development.

    So, fuel your mind! Dive into online courses, attend workshops, or simply curl up with a book that sparks your curiosity. Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge isn’t just about ticking boxes on a resume, it’s about sharpening your intellect, broadening your perspective, and unlocking your full potential. Remember, the more you invest in yourself, the greater the returns will be in your personal and professional life.

  • Goal Enhancement: Imagine your goals as exciting milestones marking your personal journey. Make them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) so they’re not just aspirations, but a clear path forward. Remember Jim Rohn’s wisdom: “We all need lots of powerful long-range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles.” Let this be your guiding light as you set ambitious goals that not only drive you towards success but also provide direction during challenging times.

  • Optimism Boost: Your mindset is your most powerful tool. Jumpstart your day with a positive   ritual—affirmations, visualization, or even striking a power pose. This isn’t just feel-good fluff; confidence and optimism are the high-octane fuel that drives extraordinary achievements.

    Here’s a powerful affirmation to set your day on fire:

“I am grateful for this new day and the endless possibilities it holds. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on joy, abundance, and success. Today is my day, and I will make it extraordinary.”

Let this affirmation be your mantra, and watch your confidence soar and your accomplishments multiply.

  • Feedback Implementation Plan: Regular check-ins with yourself are like course corrections on a long journey. Reflect on your progress, celebrate your wins, and make adjustments as needed to stay on track.

  • Expanded Learning: 

    Feed your curiosity, ignite your growth! Craving a boost? Unleash your inner explorer and make time each week for something new. Dive into a skill you’ve always admired, dabble in a hobby that intrigues you, or delve into a topic that’s completely foreign.Remember, your mind is a sponge, eager to absorb knowledge and experiences. By exploring uncharted territories, you might uncover hidden passions, stumble upon innovative solutions, or even spark your next big idea. So go ahead, indulge your curiosity – the possibilities are endless!

  • Mistake Analysis: Embrace missteps as valuable learning opportunities, recognizing that everyone stumbles on their path to success. Instead of dwelling on mistakes with self-judgment, approach them with a curious mindset. Ask yourself insightful questions: What happened? What could I have done differently? What can I learn from this experience? To capture these valuable insights, create a “Lessons Learned” journal where you not only document your mistakes but also outline the key takeaways and how you plan to apply them in the future. By focusing on improvement and celebrating your growth, you’ll transform mistakes into stepping stones towards your goals. Each time you successfully apply a lesson learned, acknowledge your progress as a testament to your resilience and commitment to continuous self-improvement.
  • Enhanced Self-Care Routine: Think of self-care as the foundation of your high-performance house. It’s not selfish—it’s essential. Schedule time for rest, relaxation, and activities that recharge your mind and body.

  • Self-Reflection: Your Path to Continuous Improvement: Schedule regular time for self-reflection. Evaluate your progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your goals and strategies as needed. Think of it as a crucial pit stop on your journey to success, a chance to fine-tune your approach and ensure you’re moving in the right direction.

  • Build Your Support System:

    Surround yourself with your own personal dream team, a group of positive, supportive individuals who lift you up and inspire you to reach greater heights. Connect with mentors, coaches, transformational therapists, mindset groups, like-minded peers – fellow high achievers and high performers who understand the challenges and rewards of this journey.

    Share your goals, your struggles, and your triumphs with them. They’ll celebrate your wins, offer valuable advice when you hit roadblocks, and remind you of your incredible potential.  These professionals can provide expert guidance, personalized support, and a wealth of knowledge to accelerate your progress.

  •  Be aware, achieving greatness is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the growth mindset, equip yourself with the right tools to become a high achiever with exceptional performance!

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Practice Gratitude

"In the dance of life, gratitude is the rhythm that sets your soul free."

Hey there, beautiful souls!

Let’s have some real talk about gratitude – the secret sauce to a life that sparkles with joy and fulfillment. Ever noticed how focusing on what’s awesome instead of what’s challenging can totally shift your mood? It’s like adding a sprinkle of sunshine to your day, right?

I’m living proof of this magic. I’m a total enthusiast for simple joys – like the way sunlight dances through leaves, the sweet symphony of birdsong, or the gentle breeze caressing your face. These little things remind me how lucky I am to be alive, breathing, and experiencing this wild ride called life.

Being a fiercely positive person with an open heart, I believe in the power of finding meaning in everything life throws my way. And trust me, gratitude has been my rock-solid foundation through thick and thin. It’s helped me turn mistakes into lessons and setbacks into stepping stones. It’s about finding meaning in the ordinary, the challenging, and the miraculous.

So, what’s the big deal about gratitude?

Imagine waking up each day with a smile on your face because you’ve trained your brain to spot the good stuff. That’s the power of gratitude. It’s like a superpower that floods your life with positivity, resilience, and a whole lot of feel-good vibes.

It’s not just about making a list – it’s about feeling it deep down in your soul. Let’s celebrate the abundance in your life, big and small. Savor the warmth of a hug, the taste of your favorite food, or the comfort of your cozy bed. Let gratitude fill you up with a sense of peace and joy.

Let’s get real: Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.

We all face challenges, but gratitude gives us the strength to bounce back. It helps us find those hidden blessings in disguise and turn every experience into an opportunity for growth. When you choose gratitude, you’re not just choosing happiness – you’re choosing a life of purpose, meaning, and unshakeable joy.

My challenge for you, my friend:

Find joy in the little things, just like I do. Notice the beauty around you, cherish the connections you have, and embrace the lessons life throws your way. Let gratitude be your guiding light, illuminating a path to a more vibrant, fulfilling, and absolutely amazing life.

Remember: Gratitude isn’t a one-time thing – it’s a daily practice, a way of life. Choose it. Embrace it. Live it. And watch your world transform before your very eyes.

With love and gratitude,

Your coach, your biggest cheerleader,



Let go of what limits you and move towards the person you're destined to become.

Nervous about therapy?

I'm Vida DeOlivier

I’m passionate about helping my clients make a meaningful impact on their lives.

I’m a multi-talented entrepreneur, a powerhouse of creativity, ambition, and enthusiasm. I’m a Top-notch Certified High-Performance Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Jewelry Designer, mom, a big dreamer who believes in making a difference, and one of the world’s most courageous women!

Let's break through those obstacles and turbocharge your journey to success! It's clear that you're ready for a transformation, and I'm here to help you achieve it.

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Vida DeOlivier Coaching

Rapid transformational therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a type of therapy that combines elements of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It’s known for its focus on achieving rapid results, often in just one or a few sessions.

Here are some of the potential benefits of RTT:

  • Uncover the Root Cause: RTT helps you identify the underlying reasons behind your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. These could be rooted in past experiences or limiting beliefs.
  • Release Negative Emotions: By accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis, RTT can help you release negative emotions trapped from past events.
  • Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem: By reframing negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, RTT can help you develop a more positive self-image and increased confidence.
  • Improve Relationships: Understanding your own emotional triggers can help you navigate relationships more effectively.
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety: By addressing the root causes of stress and anxiety, RTT can help you develop healthier coping mechanisms.
  • Promote Positive Change: The goal of RTT is to create lasting positive change in your life.
"High performance is succeeding beyond standard norms consistently over the long-term while maintaining well-being and positive relationships."
— Brendon Burchard, the world’s leading high-performance coach

high Performance coaching

Hey there, friend! Let’s talk about High Performance Coaching – it’s like having a personal cheerleader, confidante, and expert strategist all rolled into one vibrant, joyful package! It’s not just about ticking off goals; it’s about unlocking your full potential and living a life that’s overflowing with energy, purpose, and those magical “aha!” moments.

What makes High-Performance Coaching different?

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t all coaching the same?” Not quite! Certified High-Performance Coaching isn’t your average coaching experience. It’s designed to propel you forward, no matter the obstacles that life throws your way.

Imagine this: You’ve hit a rough patch in your journey. You call your coach, feeling discouraged. Instead of dwelling on the setback, your coach helps you reframe it as a valuable learning experience. A certified High-Performance Coach goes further. We’ll roll up our sleeves and dive into a proven system, equipped with a treasure trove of techniques to help you become the most radiant, powerful version of yourself.

We’re not just focused on what you do; we’re focused on who you are becoming. With us by your side, you’ll gain clarity, align with your true values, and embrace challenges with newfound confidence. We’ll celebrate your wins, big and small, and empower you to step outside your comfort zone with courage and grace.

And here’s the best part: every session is a step forward. Whether you’re crushing your goals or facing setbacks, we’re committed to your growth and transformation. We’ll help you develop the mindset, habits, and skills to flourish in every area of your life, creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond your wildest dreams.

This isn’t just about achieving a single goal; it’s about embracing a life of greater abundance, fulfillment, and pure, unadulterated joy. It’s about waking up each day feeling energized, excited, and ready to take on the world. And trust me, it’s a journey worth taking.

So, if you’re ready to level up, embrace your inner sparkle, and create a life that’s truly extraordinary, consider working with a Certified High-Performance Coach. It’s the ultimate investment in yourself, and the results will leave you beaming!

Vida DeOlivier High Performance Coach



High Performance Coaching:

 Here’s the lowdown:

  • Get Crystal Clear: 
  • Stay True to You: Your coach is your mirror, reflecting your values and goals, keeping you aligned with your authentic self.
  • Breakthrough Barriers: Shatter self-imposed limits, unleash your full potential, and step boldly into your greatness.
  • Find Your Cheerleader: You’re not alone on this journey. Your coach is your unwavering supporter, celebrating every victory.
  • Ignite Your Confidence: Build unshakeable self-belief and tackle any challenge with gusto.
  • Embrace Courage: Face your fears head-on, knowing you have a trusted guide by your side.
  • Supercharge Your Productivity: Streamline your efforts, prioritize with laser focus, and achieve more in less time.
  • Stay on Track: Your coach is your accountability partner, ensuring you stay committed to your dreams.

This is just the beginning. Imagine the possibilities that await you when you tap into the power of High-Performance Coaching!

How to Change the Story Your Brain Tells You About Yourself?

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