Life is a challenge. Therefore, keep up with a daily routine is very challengeable. Get up early is hard, but It’s so easy to skip a workout, or eat that food that’s taste yam but do bad things to your body. What about discipline, persistence on wherever you are doing in your life. Oh yes, baby, it’s not so easy. Most importantly, It’s crucial to learn smart ways to challenge yourself a daily basis for better life experiences.
You wish that you had a magic wand to transform yourself into a successful person. Me too! But the reality is, there is no magic to help you out, It all comes down to the habits we use a daily basis. Unfortunately, we don’t come successful in our lives accidentally. We have to put in the time and effort to get the results we are looking for.
Are you wondering how to get there?
Challenging yourself. Don’t get comfortable with your everyday routine, You have to challenge yourself to get better and better every single day. Compete with your best self, not with other people, yourself. Stay focus and get away from distractions.
From my own experience, as an entrepreneur, I can tell you that distractions can be a routine destroyer, a dream killer, a step back in business growth. That’s to say, I consider myself a disciplined person. However, sometimes I get out of the tracks, and every time that happens, I lose the momentum turning so challenging to get the daily tasks done.
Not long ago, I had noticed myself getting distracted by little things that wore slowing me down from doing the more important things I need to get done.
Sadly, I started to fall off of the tracks of been disciplined on following my daily routine. As a result, everything else in my life got messy and unorganized.
Firstly, I had a hard time to follow up with my schedule since I was starting the day of my routine.
Secondly, When I don’t exercise regularly, for example, I get that feeling of not being sufficiently motivated, my energy level crashes badly in the middle of the day. Above all, not exercising gives me cravings for sweets. In conclusion, a massive delay in getting my everyday tasks accomplished, not only in personal life but also in business. Even more terrifying, I gained weight. So, for me, the best way to overcome this is to challenge myself daily.
6 Fundamental and Smart Ways to Challenge Yourself a Daily Basis
1- Start your day with a purpose –
Have a plan for the day. Success people start their mornings with a routine. They know before they get up, that they have a plan for the entire day. They don’t lay in bed thinking what they will have done first or last.
2- Exercise 3 to 5 days a week –
Exercise is crucial for your health, no questions about it. And so, It’s responsible for creating energy. In fact, when you move your body, you feel more energetic and keen to go through the day.
3- Eliminate the sugar of your diet –
Sugar is addictive, the more you eat it, the more you want it. You can’t hear anything good about sugar benefits. Do you know why? Because it doesn’t exist one. This bad thing with a sweet taste, It’s a cause of obesity and many chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, it takes your energy away and brings you down.
4- Dress up nice in the morning and be ready for the day –
I always highlight that a right outfit and some makeup is a total mood booster, It raises up your self-esteem and confidence. With this in mind, you should spend that extra fifteen minutes in the morning on yourself care. Specifically, if you’re a work from home parent. Hence, staying the whole day on your PJs distracts you from beeing focus on the business side.
5- Practice discipline –
Discipline calls control, and when you get to this path, you get to have that great feeling of competency and happiness to get things done.
6- Honor your word –
What you promise to yourself when no one is around has a significant wait on your daily routine. If you told yourself, you’re doing that thing that will change your life for better. So, you do that thing. Honor what you say.

Over the knee boots – Aldo
Challenges Action: Take advantage of these Smart Ways to Challenge Yourself a Daily Basis
Whit all that been said…And so, I’m engaging myself in all the above challenges, immediately. As a matter of fact, I haven’t been eaten sugar for a while. Although, its December a month full of celebrations, where the temptations are getting in your face in full-time mode. For this reason, I’m reinforcing the power of a eat the right way challenge.
To begin with, I’m challenging myself to not have sugar for the whole month. I will not have any food that contains refined sugar and any type of flour.
Furthermore, I am challenging myself to be disciplined with my daily schedule for 60 days. Afterward, forever. And that includes working out five days a week, with no excuses.
I’m not done yet, in a similar fashion, I’m challenging myself to every morning dedicate 20 minutes to dress up nice likewise a businesswoman that gets out of the house to go work. Also, I’m making a commitment to myself that I’ll honor my word. Indeed!
Smartly challenge yourself a daily basis, and prove that you are capable of achieving anything you want. I believe the more we challenge ourselves and succeed, the better our confidence will be and our ability to do it better over and over again. As well, you should make these challenges a daily basis habit. After all, a daily routine is not something you do just when you only feel like it. In all honesty, it’s all about consistency, you have to make it a lifetime practice.
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I would love to hear from you. Are you doing any challenge, and what do you think about it? Share your take ways in the comments below.
Would you like to participate in the challenges? If you want to join me, you’re welcome, just contact me HERE, so we can share our challenges experiences.
Com amor,