Have you experienced moments in your life when things you have planned don’t go your way? I’m sure you’re probably saying yes. If not, you must leave in another world. Please, could you tell me where it is? Because around here, life happens, and things sometimes don’t go my way as planned. However, I believe that you live in the same world as me. Furthermore, It occurs to me that you also have those moments where life happens. Accordingly, you’re probably thinking about what to do? When life happens, and things don’t go your way. If so, keep reading this to learn ways of how to get out of that stage of life.
How life happens
In reality, life happens all the time. For instance, It could be a small or significant setback, such as spill coffee on your white short just before a big interview. Be late for work. Or your kids get sick, and you can’t find a babysitter. Even more drastic, you lose your job, get divorced, or fail in your business.
Well… we always will face adverse incidents and deal with setbacks. That is how life is. It happens for everyone. Most of the time, we can’t change the negatives events that occur to us, but we can change the way how we react to them.
What to do? When life happens, and things don’t go your way
Firstly, take a step back and take a deep breath. Take a look around you and think about how you can learn from it and move on. Above all, most time, setbacks give us the best lessons that we can learn from.
Secondly, be brave and ride those feelings out, it’s ok to feel angry, disappointed, and hurt. However, don’t get stuck on this life stage. Allow yourself to relieve for a moment. It’s all good. Although it won’t solve the problem, plus keep in mind that people are angry all the time turns unattractive.
Thirdly, and extreme necessity. Be courageous, discovering about yourself and find out who you’re to the point where you must be honest about what you truly want for your life. Make sure of whatever you’re going through is because you’re living a purposeful life.
Lastly, adapt to a positive mindset and be open to new experiences. After all, you never know what exciting moments may come on your way after hard times as a consequence of things not going in your way. And that, my friend, is the beauty of LIFE.
Particularly, we all have our ways to see life and deal with setbacks. And sometimes, knowing about others’ visions of leaving life can help us to get clear on our decisions. For this reason, I’m here sharing with you my own setbacks. Intentionally, to help you clarify your choices.

To explain, the first time I had this article posted, it was last year on Nov 2018 at my old website. Unfortunately, that site crashed a couple of months ago. As a result of that, I have been building this new one from scratch. Coincidence or not, I have been facing some similar setbacks precisely one year later. Yes, life has fun ways to take you to different challenges.
The setbacks
In the last past weeks, most of my business plans didn’t go so well. The funny thing about all these? Is that everything started to happen and changed during and after a 10-days vacation trip where I had a good time but wasn’t really on my plans for that exact time.
To start with, the day after we got back home from vacation, my laptop crashed, froze. I couldn’t do anything with it. Consequently, I worried that I lost all the pictures that I have been taking in the last 6 months. To say nothing of, shame on me for not having done a backup of all my media. Lesson learned!
I took it to a tec place and thanked God they were able to save all the pictures and got the laptop fixed in two weeks. Middleway, my website was canceled by the hosting provider by mistake. After talked to them, they were able to restore the site. Therefore, most of the pictures were erased from my website and from the provider storage.
So, there was me with a blog and an online store with no photos. Likewise, no laptop to work on the Vidart & life site either. Anyway, I didn’t have any picture to download back to the website. Because, yet, at that moment, I haven’t got any feedback from the tec.
However, just before I got my computer fixed I decided to buy a new one, my old Toshiba was seven years old. Clearly, It wouldn’t work much longer.
What’s next
Alright! New computer. Pictures were saved. Finally, look like everything was going back on track. Then, soon after, Lorenzo, my two years old baby, figured out how to get himself out of the crib.
And so, he decided to cut off his nap time from three hours to forty-five minutes. Sometimes thirty minutes if I’m on my lucky day. On top of that, he started getting up one hour early in the morning. If you’re a stay -at- home -parent like me, you know what I’m talking about here.
Oh boy! When it’s related to stay-home-parent work time, 3.5 hrs a day results in 24 hrs a week. In my position, that’s a lot of time to catch up with no time to catch up.
In addition to this, sometimes I have a little trouble to adjust to a new routine. I haven’t figured out yet a schedule that will work better after all the changes. I haven’t been working out since the vacation. As a result, the lack of exercise slows down my energy levels affecting my motivation mood.
Not to mention the fact that I haven’t posted on the blog for more than a month, the Vidart & Life blog and boutique still missing most pictures. Plus, I haven’t created any new content for the blog, Instagram, Facebook or anything else. Unfortunately, neither worked on my jewelry workshop. Sadly, no business accomplishments to celebrate.
That’s to say, just between you and me. Before all this have happened, I had set up a goal to have a new jewelry collection launched before the end of November 2018 – Case dismissed.

When life happens, I need a break. And you need a break too.
At the individual level, this indeed not a big problem. With this in mind, I just needed to get out of that stage. Therefore, I took a step back, giving myself a break and time to process my emotions, identify what I could learn from it, and start to take action.
After all, giving myself a break allowed me to dedicate more time to my marriage. And solve some personal issues between my husband and me that I was postponing for too long.
Sometimes, especially when life happens, we need to unhook from the mess noise to get clear with our purpose in life. If you need time, then give yourself time. Diffuse the emotions, learn from it, set, and go.
Whatever the situation you’re in, there’s always a way to address it. Do your best to solve the problems, but don’t kill yourself over it.
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Hey, what about you? What do you do when life happens, and things don’t go your way?
I hope this post can be helpful to you. I’d love to hear from you. Drop a comment and share your thoughts about it.
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