Trust has long been the key to happiness and longevity in great relationships, which is true both personally and professionally. I have been working from home for quite a while now, and one of the most common challenges in this space is building trust when working remotely. Even if we are in an office setting, the level of trust among employees and employers should be high. If we want to work harmoniously with one another, trust should be a strong bond.

Building trust when working remotely.
It is particularly more challenging to do so when we work remotely. We do not see each other daily, and we do not spend hours with one another in one cramped office space. Hence, it is more difficult to get to know each other and start building trust. How do we make sure that we are establishing and continuing building trust even if we are working remotely?
Our tendency to trust and reciprocate
As humans, we are wired to trust people around us. This is one of the reasons why many of us are easily deceived in pyramid scams. These kinds of situations are not the norm. Hence, they reach the news. On the other hand, reciprocity is also human nature. We tend to reciprocate almost automatically. For instance, when we are getting good service, we leave a bigger tip. It’s the same way at work. It doesn’t matter if it is in an office setting or working remotely. When we are given autonomy and flexibility, we give discretionary effort. Reciprocity is a huge factor in building trust, especially when working remotely. So, really, the question is how?
Share openly
You do not have to share each tiny bit of our lives with everyone, but, in general, the more we share about ourselves, others will tend to do the same. You will also notice that some would test the waters – sharing a bit of themselves and then wait for you to do the same. It could be the other way around too. You share a bit of yourself and observe others to do the same. As I have said earlier, reciprocity is a huge factor in building trust.
Assume goodwill
One of the keys to great relationships is to assume that the other party means well. Of course, this may not be true at times. However, when you believe that the other person always has your best intentions in mind, you’ll act more positively toward him or her. Positivity tends to beget positivity and the relationship benefits.
Dependability and consistency
Be reliable. When your team has set deadlines, meet those deadlines. Deliver what is expected of you and ensure that your communication lines are always open. If you are dependable, your immediate supervisor and your teammates can anticipate your performance, and that makes them trust you more. Be consistent in your routine, and you’ll notice that even when you are working remotely, you have constantly been building that trust.
Transparency and accountability
Be transparent in your activities and ensure that you have accountability in all of your responsibilities. Share your work schedules, progress reports, and task status. These should be made available for everyone to access. Consequently, when some things fall into your SOP’s loopholes, be ready to take accountability. If you are the one managing the team, ensure that all team members share the same weight in their responsibilities. Remember, No team member wants to feel they are carrying the heaviest load because another member is shirking responsibilities or taking advantage of the system.
Develop Interpersonal relationships
Take time to socialize virtually. Even when working remotely, teams need to have a channel for social interactions too. As a leader, be creative and invest time in building rapport. Encourage the team to share more personal updates like how they spent the weekend, the last time they did something they like, or what makes them cry. This investment will greatly benefit your relationship as it is a way of building trust even if we are working remotely.
Gain commitment to accomplishing the goals established by the leader. Team members need to be committed to meeting deadlines because they understand their value in the organization. This also goes the other way. The leader also needs to be committed to the team. In the early part of this article, I have mentioned reciprocity, and always plays a huge factor in building trust when working remotely.
Virtual and remote working are here to stay. Flexible working, work-life balance and employees working wherever and whenever they wish will only increase as organizations compete over the best talent. This list will guide you or even make you reflect on your team’s culture of trust. As an employee, strive always to develop this trust and never to break it. There will be misses along the way but make sure you can communicate truthfully. It is the same with leaders and employers. Trust begets trust. Always. All ways.