It’s not a new case study that too much sugar can affect our health. It can mess with our body, from head to toe. The desired sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, which can also damage your liver, pancreas, and kidneys, causing inflammation in your body, teeth cavities, joints pain, headaches, energy crash, and accelerates skin aging. The list is long; it can go forever. But we don’t need to go forward with it, I think we have enough to make a health decision and start to do The 21 Days No Sugar Detox Challenge and ban sugar of our diet.

Are you a sugar addict?
You’re probably saying, Vida, I know all about that already. But yet, you’re still overdoing it, only to have that feeling of pressure. Aren’t you?
Like street drugs, sugar triggers release chemicals that set off your brain to a pleasure center. It takes you to sugar addiction. The more sweets you devour, the better you feel, the more sugar you need.
I’m not a big sugar consumer, but I like and eat sweets on special occasions like on my kids’ birthday parties or when going out on a date with my husband. He is a sugar addict, and the desert is a sweet pleasure for him.
However, knowing all the unfortunate side effects of sugar and how harmful sugar can be to my body, I really want to quit It forever, and that’s why I’m doing the 21 days no sugar detox challenge.

A simple way to keep up with The 21 Days No Sugar Detox Challenge
You know, I know, to quit eating sugar is not easy. So, I always want to remind myself about the damages that sugar does in my body. Then, I continuously have enough reasons to stick to the challenge and don’t fall for sugar cravings.
That being the case, I chose four significant sugar damages facts that worry me most and make me think twice before falling for the temptation of sweets. Maybe you have different sugar effects worries. So then, you should make your own list based on your needs and concerns. By the way, I’d love to see your list, and if you want to share yours, you’re more then welcome. Drop it in a comment below or email me here.

Sugar accelerates aging:
What happens is that; sugar attaches itself to proteins into your body in a process called glycation. This contributes to a loss of elasticity in your body tissues. And that goes from your skin to your organs and arteries. It’s a proven fact; The more sugar you have circulating in your blood, the faster your skin show signs of aging like wrinkles and saggy. Unfortunately, we can’t stop getting old, but we can slow down aging by controlling or banning sugar intake. After all, who wouldn’t like to delay having saggy and wrinkled skin? I would! —I bet you too.

Weight gain:
I heard or read somewhere about a study found out that people who increased their sugar intake gained about 1.7 pounds in less than 2 months. Isn’t that sound crazy or not? No surprise why the rates of obesity are rising worldwide so fast.
Just there is enough significance to think twice before putting any kind of sugar in my body. For instance, the sugar that comes from carbohydrates, like bread. I’m a bread addict, and in the last 12 months, I have been eating more bread and exercising less. The results? Gained 10 pounds that aren’t serving me at all. My dresses are not fitting well, and I don’t want to spend money buying big size dresses. No wonder I’m so into this challenge —to save money, baby.

Energy crash:
Yes! Sugar drains your energy. High-sugar foods quickly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to increase energy. I even get that spike, five seconds after I consume sweets, my energy levels drop from 100 to 0, making me feel so sleepy and tired. It can ruin my day and sets me back badly with my schedule.
Who needs to feel rundown for eaten sugar? For sure, I don’t. As a stay-at-home mom growing a business and raising a family at the same time, indeed! I need full-time energy to run my day schedule smoothly and productively. I can’t afford to have rundowns slowing me down during my day. On the contrary, I need an energy boost, and I will do anything to bust my vitality levels, and that’s why I’m focusing on my diet and quitting sugar —That’s why I’m doing the 21 no sugar detox challenge.

You can do The 21 No Sugar Detox Challenge too
I have done this challenge before, and I can tell you it works and definitely worth doing it. However, It’s no easy at the beginning because you are an addict to sweets. Your brain needs sugar to have that feeling of pleasure. So you need some time off sugar to be clean.
I’m sure you can do this. Like everything else in our lives, we have to stick to it. It’s something that you have to plan, also practice determination and discipline. You need to focus on the benefits that will bring to your health, and so to your life.
I invite you to joy the challenge with me. I’m here to support you on that. We can do this together. It’s proved that doing things together with friends makes a challenge more manageable. Best of all, we can make it fun and make it work. I’ll be thrilled to have you here in 21 days, sharing your experiences and results with me.
With love,