Hooray! You want to start a blog. In fact, you feel ready to start writing an article, so exciting! I know the feeling my friend. Fortunately, I have already lived this experience. In other words, I know what’s to come. With that in mind, you should stay with me to the end of this post. Because I’m here to help you with those first steps, I’m about to let you know about those remarkable things you shouldn’t do when you are writing your first blog post.
Are you ready?
So let’s begin…
And so, you get all excited. Set up your website, and then comes the time to write your first blog post….hmmm. You put all your ideas together, do some drafts, sit down in front of your computer, and start writing. You write and write, and then, you stop writing and start thinking. Am I doing this, right? Should I check out some expert bloggers and follow their advice?
Should you follow the expert’s advice for your first blog post?
Under these circumstances, since so many bloggers have been doing an excellent job for a very long time. Accordingly, reading their content could be a great help when starting your own. Not so sure about that.
Hey, you! Not so fast with your conclusions. That isn’t the answer yet.
So, with that being the case, you start doing some research and reading many blog posts, listening to their suggestions, opinions, and ideas of how to write your first blog post.
However, at this point, you are talking to yourself: Oh, gosh! I’m getting confused. There is so much information. Will all that help me? Soon after, you start to notice that your confidence and excitement begin to turn into terrifying and confusing thinking.
Indeed, as much fun as you thought it would be, suddenly, it starts to get worrisome. As a matter of fact, you can spend a lot of time reading other people’s blog posts about what to write. In fact, we can spend so much time worrying about the right thing to write, that you can get stuck and never get around to write anything.
For instance, I’m talking about my own experience, that I’m having when I’m writing this post. Similarly, I made the same mistake you are probably making now. Reading and reading people blog posts about the right and wrong way to write your first blog post. Happily, I didn’t stay in this stage for too long.
Why did I stop with all that blog posts reading?
Firstly, it was making me confused and overwhelmed. As well, you should do the same. In short, everyone has a different definition of what constitutes a good blog post, a good idea, and motivation. Secondly, there is a lot of noise and sometimes not too much clarity. Moreover, in the beginning, you probably won’t identify how to get the best advice because it is a new world for you.
Whatever happens, don’t forget that the blog idea is to connect with people, show your thoughts so you can help others. In fact, you just need to figure out how to be clear and realistic, and your writing will flow, and it will be fine.
Pain-free first blog post writing
So, from now on, stop agonizing over your first blog post and just get it written. Just jump in and do it. Otherwise, you will get stuck writing it. Believe me, I have been there, and if you keep doing these things, you won’t get your first blog post published.
In all honesty, as a blogger who started not too long ago, I have to let you know that I’m not an expert, I’m a newbie in blog, I suck in English grammar, but after all, I’m determined to get this done. In reality, even remember the last time I wrote something over ten lines. I believe it was an essay in my last year of high school. Oh boy! that was a long time ago.
However, I have to share my first challenges and experiences writing with you. Writing doesn’t come easy to, but I’m doing the thing, and since I have started on this journey, I have been learning a ton. And every time I get something else accomplished, I feel fulfilled and so proud of myself. So, hey you! That is to say, you can get this done, you just have to start.
The 6 remarkable things you shouldn’t do when you’re writing your first blog post
1- Stop reading other people posts
I know! I said that before. Probably, I’ll repeat this again. Remember, this is my first blog post, I have no clue what I’m doing here. To clarify this point, I’m not saying that you don’t or can’t ever read other people’s posts. What I’m telling is that you should stop reading it when you’re writing your own first blog post. So you don’t get discouraged, even the worse start to comper your first blog content with the pros that are there for many years.
The bottom line, It’s so many blogs out there, so many people have something to say, to do and right now, the Internet is everyone’s megaphone and power place.
In reality, many bloggers are there with an open heart, they’re kind and want to help you. Trust me. They can help you a lot, and It’s free. However, for someones, blogging is just a money-making machine. Unfortunately, they will make your head spin around to get you even more confused and scared so, they can sell you an expensive blog start-up course.
The blog idea
There is a lot of noise and sometimes not too much clarity. The chances are at the beginning you probably won’t identify the best advice because It’s a new world for you.
With all that being said, keep in mind that the blog idea is to connect with people, show your thoughts so you can help others. You just need to be clear and realistic, and the writing will flow, and it will be fine. I promisee.
Necklace – Vidart & Life | Dress – Free People
2- Don’t procrastinate
You may think you’re not a procrastinator but think again, at this time more carefully.
Are you thinking hard?
Well, although you may have a point, there were hours that you spent reading blog posts, re-reading emails, checking social media, and re-building your website. For instance, all that time spent on other tasks that you could have safely left for the next day, week, or even next month. Notably, my friend, you’re procrastinating.
Procrastination is a trap that many of us fall into. I think we all procrastinate at certain times in our lives. It is human nature. However, It’s not something you do all the time. And also, It doesn’t mean you’re a procrastinator, that doesn’t define you.
Although, It may be comfortable to know that you’re not alone. However, you have to admit that you’re doing it and realize how much that can hold you back.
Don’t let procrastination stop you from writing your first blog post
In this case, I’m sure you’re thinking about these things before publishing your blog.
1- I have to do more work on my website.
2- I have to work better at designing it.
3- I need to learn how to write better.
4- Oh my! English is not my first language.
5- I need to figure out how to create links.
6- I need to take better pictures.
7- I have to learn SEO, the beast.
You got the point. The list never ends, keeps going on, and on…
Move on. In other words, focus on what you’re writing, instead of thinking about what you should get better on your website. After all, It is your first blog post, probably not too many people will read it!
To put it more simply, at this point, your website likely won’t get ranked and get a lot of traffic. Yes, you can fix all those little things that are bugging you later. But for that happens, you have to move forward.
The reality is, my friend. If you don’t stop procrastinating, you won’t be prepared to write your first blog post. You’ll always find a significant reason why you shouldn’t do it today.
3- Don’t Be Afraid
I get a say, don’t listen to your fear. Let it go, or at least ignore it for a moment, learn how to overcome your fear, and work it out.
As a matter of fact, I don’t think no one can be completely free of fear when it comes to putting our words out in public. Publishing your thoughts for the world to read can be intimidating, and always will make you feel nervous.
For the purpose of help, the only thing I can tell you is, do not stress too much about this. You’re going to be hitting that publishes button many times. That’s what I intend to. However, instead of been terrified about it. I’m making the moment a particular time by thinking about how much I have accomplished and how brave I have been.
You don’t need to be a master in writing
Incidentally, I found out that you don’t have to be an expert. If you can hold a conversation with your friends and family, you also can write a blog post, maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know for sure yet, but I’m about to figure it out.
Yes! That’s right. I’m not thinking about you when writing this. I’m thinking about my sister. In all honesty, no one else.
Why my sister?
Because she is very supportive, and she’ll never judge me.
Either way, you have to start somewhere! Don’t be one of those people who never try something new because of fear.
Just be yourself! Use your own voice, write it out like a regular and straightforward conversation, and let your personality shine through and do the rest.
4- Don’t Think Of What People Might Think About your first blog post.
This is so silly, but it is the reality, we get stuck when we think of the idea that we need to write the perfect blog post so that everyone thinks we’re a great writer and got everything perfect on the first time. I have to remind you. There is no such thing as perfect, and you won’t be great at anything for the first time.
Further, not everyone will like your post ideas and writing, someone will think you are doing good, some won’t and probably will be very critical. But that is okay, that is part of being a human…
Even more, people are free to think whatever they want, just as you can feel and write whatever you want. Don’t let people criticism your writing and change your enthusiasm and efforts.
People change all the time
People’s thoughts, ideas, and views change regularly. If somebody does think hardly about your blog writing at the moment, there is a good chance they will think differently in the future. Truthfully, I did change my opinion about some bloggers out there when I start knowing more about them.
With this in mind, Just remember that everyone is on a different level of interest and understanding. Believe that when someone is hard on your ideas, it may have very little to do with you at all.
Most importantly, be truthful, authentic. Have the courage to allow people to read what you have to write. Better, be willing to be judged, and even encourage it. It’s all useful for developing self-knowledge and strong confidence.
Whether you get a good response or criticism from someone. In either case, think about how you can learn from this person. As a result, you get accountability, and you get to reflect on what you’re learning. Trust me, you’ll become more magnificent from the attempt to encourage yourself to not worry about how people will think about it.
5- Don’t Feel Like You’re Not Good Enough.
Unfortunately, we tend to doubt down our selves, and consequently, these thoughts will come to your head. – How can I succeed in a world where everyone else has a better education, better connections, more blog experience, more writing experience, more money, more tech knowledge, more followers, more of these, more of that and more and more…
You know how it goes. If you’re a beginner to the world of blogging or starting a business, you know what I’m talking about. The fear. The concerns. The thoughts come all at once.
What do I know about blogging? – Who would read my blog? – What if no one likes what I write? – I don’t know how to write for a blog, I feel embarrassed, It would be a waste of time…
Common, stop with the excuses, you’re a fighter. Put your doubts away, and write like the pro you’ll be soon. You need to banish weak thoughts by finding confidence in yourself, your skills, and your stories.
Stop listening to the naysayers and start learning how to keep your eyes on your own business.
You good enough for writing your first blog post
Okay, I understand your concerns. You may don’t have the best college education, experience our significant connections, but you have your creativity and ability to see and do things differently.
In fact, in today’s world degree will not create success. As a proof of existence, talent, motivation, creativity, consistency, hard work will drive you to progress through life. Trust yourself, become your best friend. Transmit confidence in what you do because if you don’t, who will?
So, next time you notice yourself saying I’m not good enough for that, be quick and change your thinking. Don’t let these funk feelings spin out of control or grow to a stream of discouraging sentences. Make sure your thoughts are conducive to success, not to failure!
Whatever happens, keep in mind that successful people are acutely aware of the power of thinking, which is why the most successful people have a belief in themselves and what they have set out to do. It is this drive and focus that sees them succeeding in life.
Wood Necklace – Vidart & Life Boutique
6- Don’t overthink your first blog post
Overthinking can be a momentum killer in most areas of our lives. When it comes to your blog, you don’t want to overthink things too much. If you worry too much, consequently, you will stop the ideas from coming out.
Moreover, If you do a lot of thinking, but don’t take action because you’re overthinking about what to write, you’ll never get started. As a result, you won’t get anywhere far. You’ll get stuck.
Best way to get good writing for your blog is doing it
Not to mention that you have to start doing what you want to do, to learn how to do it. Of course yes, that includes writing for your blog. Therefore, you need to start writing to learn how to write. As a matter of fact, from what I know, there is no other way. So, that being the case, It’s a good idea to get as much of your inspiration and write them down.
Last but not least, accept that it takes time to develop blogging skills, it takes practice and a lot of bad writing to get better blogging skills. I believe the more you write, the more confident you will become. By the way, we’re human! Being human includes not always writing the perfect blog content because humans are not perfect.
I know I will make mistakes, but for me, mistakes aren’t the end of the world, whatever happens, from the errors it turns to lessons and I learn from it, handling gracefully smart. Although I try not to repeat the same ones over and over again. After all, I know for sure, a couple of not perfect blog posts won’t kill me, neither you. Yes, it’ll give you more learning lessons.
Long Necklace – Vidart & Life Jewelry
It’s not impossible writing your first blog post. However, it’ll take time, courage, determination, confidence in yourself, patience, and action.
Try to have fun writing your blog post, don’t let the overthink overwhelming your joy. Remember, a blog post is about sharing your ideas, mistakes, bits of advice, help people. Indeed, It’s not a perfect model of success.
Listen, as a final point. We all have unique talents, gifts, and experiences that are different from anyone else there. I do, and you do too, you have your own illustriousness. So, don’t worry too much, you’ll be fine just writing about that.
Time to celebrate
With all that been said, I hope you’re ready to finish that blog post and push that publish button. You can do it! I did. As far I know, you’re about to finish reading my first blog post writing experience. If I could get it done. As well, you can too.
Hey, you get to tell yourself that when it’s over with the writing, you get to celebrate with pushing the publish button for your first blog post.
Until next time,
With love,
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