This quiz result is here to acknowledge YOU in your fullness and encourage you to embrace the process of your becoming.

With a clear direction and powerful goals, you have the potential to accomplish great things and become a high achiever with exceptional performance

What's holding you back from becoming a high performer is... Lack of direction.

Not having a clear vision and direction prevents you from achieving your full potential. This lack of direction can be a suffocating prison, holding you back from unleashing your full potential. You yearn to be a high-flying achiever with a great performance but formidable challenges loom like impenetrable walls, leaving you paralyzed by frustration. This endless cycle of dissatisfaction stifles your dreams and keeps you from reaching your true greatness.

Most of the time, feeling overwhelmed or worried can make it difficult to see things clearly and take the next steps. Concerns or anxieties might cloud your thoughts, making it hard to focus and take decisive action.

While you might have a basic daily routine, unexpected events can easily throw it off track. This can lead to a sense of inefficiency and may not help you reach your full potential.

The challenges you are facing are manifesting in various aspects of your life. You only set goals occasionally, often for short-term tasks, which suggests a lack of long-term vision and direction. This leaves you feeling adrift, struggling to maintain focus and motivation, causing you to procrastinate. 

Your approach to feedback is sometimes hesitant and skeptical, indicating a reluctance to embrace opportunities for growth and development, hindering your personal and professional advancement. Despite your efforts to pursue passions or meaningful work, you still feel unfulfilled and need more direction, craving clarity and purpose in your endeavors. Moreover, you may be held back by discouragement and fear in the face of failure or mistakes, limiting your willingness to take risks and explore new growth opportunities.

Despite these challenges, your quiz results show that you have great potential. You can exceed your expectations and achieve the success that excites you. It’s not just a dream; it’s possible. You have everything it takes to unlock these possibilities and achieve your goals.

The good news is that developing strategic direction is a skill you can cultivate!

Here are some practical steps to get you started:


  • Embrace the Growth Mindset: Imagine viewing challenges not as roadblocks, but as stepping stones to propel you further. Instead of letting setbacks hold you back, see them as valuable lessons that pave the way for growth. This allows you to confidently step outside your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Trust the process – you’ll be amazed at how much you can develop!

    Remember, countless resources and professionals exist to help cultivate this mindset and create your success roadmap. Consider hiring a  coach or transformational therapist who specializes in helping individuals develop a growth mindset. They can provide personalized guidance, support, and accountability as you work towards your goals. Investing in yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s the fuel that ignites your journey towards achieving your dreams.

  • Investing in Personal development is an Investment in Yourself:

    Just like a champion athlete wouldn’t dream of competing without training, personal development is a must for anyone who wants to achieve greatness. Consider taking online courses, attending workshops, or simply grabbing a book that ignites your passion. Continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and equips you with the skills necessary to conquer your goals!

    Surround yourself with inspiring people who believe in you! You could even consider hiring a coach, a transformational therapist, or joining a mastermind group. These rockstars can be your personal cheerleaders and knowledge bombs. Be aware, achieving greatness is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the growth mindset, equip yourself with the right tools to become a high achiever with exceptional performance!

  • Set SMART Goals: Instead of short-term, vague goals, focus on Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. These will provide a clear roadmap for achieving your vision.

  • Craft Your Daily Routine – The Power of Structure: Having a structured daily routine allows you to prioritize both productivity and those essential self-care activities that keep you energized and focused. Think of it as creating a daily schedule that empowers you to achieve your goals while taking care of yourself – a win-win situation!

  • Journaling is your secret weapon: Journaling It’s a powerful tool that allows you to untangle your thoughts and gain clarity on your goals and challenges. By putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard!), you can process emotions, identify limiting beliefs, and even spark new ideas. Journaling becomes a safe space for self-reflection, helping you understand yourself better and navigate life’s uncertainties with greater confidence. So, unlock the power within you and unleash your potential – grab a journal and start writing your success story!

  • Boost Your Journey: Ignite Inspiration and Suppor: Don’t go it alone! Let’s spark a fire within you. Dive deep into inspirational stories of others who’ve overcome challenges. Seek out motivational talks that will leave you pumped and ready to tackle anything. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you like nobody’s business! These cheerleaders will push you to break free from your comfort zone and chase your dreams with unwavering support. Remember, being around those who inspire you is contagious – let their enthusiasm ignite your own!
  • Self-Reflection: Your Path to Continuous Improvement: Schedule regular time for self-reflection. Evaluate your progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your goals and strategies as needed. Think of it as a crucial pit stop on your journey to success, a chance to fine-tune your approach and ensure you’re moving in the right direction.

  • Don’t give up. It takes time and effort to change your mindset. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and you will eventually see progress.

Practice Gratitude

Take time each day to appreciate the good things in your life, both big and small. A gratitude practice helps shift your focus to the positive, fostering a more optimistic outlook and boosting your overall well-being. A growth mindset thrives on a foundation of optimism and belief in your ability to learn and grow.


  • Don’t be afraid to seek professional help: Are the suggestions above feeling out of reach, and the thought of moving forward seems impossible? Feeling like you’re drowning even more in discouragement? Is the weight of your emotions threatening to crush you? This is your sign to reach out for a powerful ally – a therapist or counselor.
  • Don’t Fight This Alone: Seeking professional help isn’t a weakness, it’s a brave step towards reclaiming your life. These experts can equip you with the tools you need to manage your emotions, break free from this overwhelming feeling, and reignite your inner fire. Remember, you deserve to feel empowered, not defeated. Don’t let discouragement win. Take back control and build the life you deserve.
Vida DeOlivier Coach

Let go of what limits you and move towards the person you're destined to become.

Nervous about therapy?

Here's Why It's Worth Taking the Leap

Therapy is like a magic carpet ride that takes you to the depths of your soul and helps you discover your true self. It’s not just about talking about your feelings (although that’s definitely important). It’s about getting to know yourself on a deeper level and finding the path to a more fulfilling life.

Of course, there are still some misconceptions about therapy. Some people think it’s only for people who are crazy or who have serious problems. But the truth is, therapy can benefit anyone. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or simply want to live a more authentic life, therapy can help.

So if you’re hesitant to try therapy, I get it. But I encourage you to give it a chance. It’s one of the best investments you can make in yourself.

And who knows? You might even have some fun along the way.

(Disclaimer: Humor is subjective, so not everyone will find this funny. But I hope it at least makes you smile.)

I'm Vida DeOlivier

I’m passionate about helping my clients make a meaningful impact on their lives.

I’m a multi-talented entrepreneur, a powerhouse of creativity, ambition, and enthusiasm. I’m a Top-notch Certified High-Performance Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Jewelry Designer, mom, a big dreamer who believes in making a difference, and one of the world’s most courageous women!

Let's break through those obstacles and turbocharge your journey to success! It's clear that you're ready for a transformation, and I'm here to help you achieve it.

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Vida DeOlivier Coaching

Rapid transformational therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a type of therapy that combines elements of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It’s known for its focus on achieving rapid results, often in just one or a few sessions.

Here are some of the potential benefits of RTT:

  • Uncover the Root Cause: RTT helps you identify the underlying reasons behind your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. These could be rooted in past experiences or limiting beliefs.
  • Release Negative Emotions: By accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis, RTT can help you release negative emotions trapped from past events.
  • Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem: By reframing negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, RTT can help you develop a more positive self-image and increased confidence.
  • Improve Relationships: Understanding your own emotional triggers can help you navigate relationships more effectively.
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety: By addressing the root causes of stress and anxiety, RTT can help you develop healthier coping mechanisms.
  • Promote Positive Change: The goal of RTT is to create lasting positive change in your life.
How to Change the Story Your Brain Tells You About Yourself?

Watch the Masterclass

Want to dive deep? Whatch this free training in this 10 minutes video 

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