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It's all about the Uniqueness of being a stay-at-home mom entrepreneur and how to deal with the challenges when things don't go your way.

I wrote this blog post to share my experience as an entrepreneur/small business owner and a stay-at-home mom growing a business and a family at the same time. However, if you’re not a mom yet, but is thinking of being one, stay with me, because I’m sure it’s a lot here for you. I’ll be sharing how I manage my daily schedule and talking about the uniqueness of Being a stay-at-home mom entrepreneur and how to deal with the challenges when things don’t go your way. And more, how to keep calm when your schedule gets messy. Also, what to do when your routine gets off track. 


The means of stay-at-home mom entrepreneur uniqueness

Some days, being a stay-at-home mom entrepreneur working from home can be full of uniqueness and fun. After all, you have to get a lot done to have things running smoothly. 

I mean uniqueness, only not to mention the words overwhelming, frustrating, or struggling. In other words, I don’t like to use these words, especially when I’m talking about two things that give me so much joy. It sounds so brutal, violent, and negative. Of course, it is challenging or may be difficult. But won’t finish me strangled.

Life is continually changing.

Until 8 years ago I didn’t have any plans to be a stay-at-home mom nor a housewife. Confidently, I was always, proud of my independence and freedom to go anywhere or everywhere, just carrying a small handbag. Often, I used to say to my friends, “I have the life!” —Well, I changed my mind. Made different decisions. And so, life turned to new directions. 

Now I’m both and more… I’m a stay-at-home mom, a housewife, a learning, and an online business owner who works from home. I have to say, In the past years, I have been finding myself in funny different ways to manage life. So much that, some situations where didn’t use to be difficult, now it is quite different.

Stay-at-home mom + entrepreneurship = Two excellent deals 

Being a stay-at-home mom entrepreneur that works from home is hard work! More then, It’s two excellent deals mixture to live with every day. It’s clearly out that anyone who says different hasn’t experienced it themselves nor know of anyone who has. 

For instance, a large number of people can’t see past the responsibilities of a stay-at-home mom. It looks to simple to recognize it as a full-time job. An example of that is my own self. To tell the truth, I don’t think I ever thought about that in this way until I turned one and experience it. Some things in life, we only know how it really works doing it, and be a stay-at-home mom entrepreneur is one of those things.

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The Uniqueness of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Entrepreneur 

We have our own intensive schedule that requires us to look after little ones and keep the household and business moving forward as smoothly as possible. Not only providing the right environment for family growth but also for business growth. 

Raising a family and running your own business at the same time is no piece of cake. Yet yes, it can be joyful, but be aware that every day is a battle against the clock. Also, switching through multiple roles and different duties all day can be exhausting and challenging.

Motherhood + Entrepreneurship = Busy schedule

Entrepreneurship, just like motherhood, is not a 9 to 5 job. But don’t get full by thinking you have a flexible schedule with a lot of free time. Actually, I feel like I haven’t had such a busy schedule in my whole life.

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First shift – Entrepreneur 

There are days where I stay up working until 1:am, knowing that I’ll get up at 4:00 am. As a matter of choice, I do like the routine of waking up early. Thus, I can have a quiet moment to enjoy a cup of coffee while it’s still hot. Also, be able to write a blog post, read a couple of pages of a book, design jewelry. And then, work-out, shower, and dress up for the day ahead.

After that, silence will be gone for an extended period. The first shift has ended. The entrepreneur tasks put aside, and mom’s responsibilities assume the post.

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Second shift – stay-at-home mom turn

Here is how it goes. Dress up the boys, eat breakfast, walk or drive the oldest one to school.—Back home, while entertaining my baby, do some clean up around the house, load or unload the dishwasher, do laundry, manage the finances, feed the baby, and maybe eat lunch. Finally, it’s time for a nap, for the baby, of course.  

Nap time is always working time for a mompreneur. It’s time for the business mind to shine up for some time. Withal, we know the time will be short, and so we have to make the most of it. Indeed, it’s time to act on the priories. In my case is to work on jewelry production for the Vidart & Life Boutique.

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Third shift

Time flies, and before I realize it’s time to go pick up my son from school. Stop at the playground so the little ones can have some fun. —Back home, feed kids, help with homework, give kids a bath, cook dinner, serve dinner, clean up the kitchen. And finally, it’s kids’ bedtime. After all, mommy is free to do as she pleases because the first job workday is done. 

Similar to nap time, kids bedtime it’s also always working time for a business/stay-at- home mom. It’s time to get back to work. But now, from the motherhood shores to the business shores. 

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Fourth shift

There still more to do like check emails, edit pictures, schedule social media, and blog posts. Make sure your website is still working correctly, add products to the online store, create ads, email subscribers… And last but not least important, evaluate your accomplishments and your priorities then plan the next day.

Yes, it seems a lot, and I won’t say differently. “It’s a lot.” However, that is just a tiny layer of what our days consist of. That is a list of what I could remember while writing this. In fact, a mompreneur does 100 times more than the amount of work mentioned in the list above. 

Routinely, I catch myself squeezing tasks into my schedules. Such as doctor appointments, kids play date, kid’s friends’ birthday parties, pool time, back yard shores, girlfriends’ reunion. Also, picture shooting, business events —video conference, courses. And of course, time for the hub. How could I forget about that? Hopefully, spend some time with the husband.  

In reality, the list never ends, there is so much more to managing the daily life of a entrepreneur stay-at-home mom. For this reason, I keep repeating myself over and over again. You have to prioritize your top priories, then stick to them to get through the day successfully.

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The stay-at-home entrepreneur routine.

Being a stay-at-home mom entrepreneur growing your own business can be fun, exciting, driving, fascinating, lively. But even so, it can become amazingly unique. In my case, the set back I have been coming through is to adapt fast to a new routine caused by the constant schedule changes. Every day something new happens, and then I have to make changes in the in the schedule. As a result, the routine gets to change too.

I don’t have a lack of creativity nor energy running down or fears. Neither, problems being self-motivated or get out of bed extremely early in the morning and get to work. However, the everyday changing thing slows me down. I guess my brain it’s allergenic to constant routine changes.

Nevertheless, I’m getting better. Since I had learned about my difficulties in dealing with this, I have been working on this matter. As a result, I became more focused and flexible, as well. 

With this in mind, I have been telling my brain to be a faster adapter to routine changes. So I can keep myself (my mind) out of uniqueness. If there is one thing that I have learned from the past months is; Being frustrated won’t do any better. 

Instead, you have to do what works best for you, and that means finding ways to keep going no matter which surprising changes come in your way. Often, you need to take a moment to slowly breathe and switch to a flexible routine method. 

What is more critical: a temporary routine that allows you to move on calmly and intelligently while discovering solutions to problems. I promise you, soon after you have done that, you’ll get back to your schedule. Even better, adapting to a new routine more effectively than before.

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How to deal with the Uniqueness of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Entrepreneur working from home


Unfortunately, some days things won’t work the way you had planned. Especially if you’re a stay-at-home mom entrepreneur growing a business and a family at the same time. It’s a lot to manage there, and be flexible will help things run smoothly. 

As a matter of fact, when you are dancing many different types of dance, you will lose your balance, and that’s all fine. Slow down your steps and get back to your rhythm. Most importantly, be realistic! Things won’t be perfect all the time; that’s is a life factor. And If you’re thinking and trying to do everything perfectly, you’re being a big liar to yourself.

Everything changes like the wind, life happens, and things won’t go your way as you planned. You have to be prepared for that. Don’t hold yourself to “do it (be) all perfect” expectations because perfect does not exist. It’s no escape, you gonna have to make new arrangements when new situations occur and move forward.  

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Working from home being a stay-at-home mom is still hard work, and it always will be. The only difference from a 9 to 5 job is that there’s nobody then yourself being your boss telling you what to do and when to do it.

If things go wrong or when kids get sick, you don’t have to call off work. However, you don’t get a sick or personal paid day either. Aye! You don’t have to look for a last-minute babysitter to watch your kids. 

But, without a doubt, your schedule will get crazy and messy. Affirmative! You gonna have to deal with it in some way by yourself. Fair enough, It isn’t? And life continuos. —That’s the journey.

My advice: Don’t take things too seriously! First of all, have fun with all the uniqueness that will cross on your way. Put a dash of humor on top of it all. Life is too short to be stressing by things that are in your life to make you happy. Further, on those days when everything seems to go the opposite way that you planned, just stop. Take a break. Go do something that gives you joy and make you laugh.

For instance, simple things like walk barefoot on your back yard, play with your kids, gardening, call a friend, read a book while enjoying a cup of tee or coffee. Do anything that will make you feel relax and give you peace of mind. Give your brain a chance to refresh. Then, start all over again the next day with a clear mind and fresh ideas.


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With  Love, 


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